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Geylang River (2013)


The Geylang River project is part of the PUB's Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC waters) Programme, which transforms Singapore's reservoirs and waterways into clean streams and rivers teeming with vibrancy.


This project entails construction of an estimated 830-metre-long by 26-metre-wide drain, reconstruction of two 3-cell box culverts, and the constrution of ABC Waters design features which will help cleanse rainwater runoff. By using a tide-gate and a proper dewatering system, the entire working area in the Geylang River was maintained in an optimally dry condition.


Along with its expertise in flood alleviation and drainage projects, Koh Brothers also provided the know-how in landscaping and soil management techniques to enhance the beauty of Geylang River.

Mr Goh Poh Khim +65 6289 8889 Talk to us today